The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2941-2960 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2941

Issac realized that the matter might be a bit serious, and hurriedly arranged for his subordinates to follow the vines.

The monitoring at the entrance of Shangri-La is very complete, and it can be said that there is no dead angle coverage in 360 degrees.

So his men quickly found the license plate number of the taxi through surveillance video.

Immediately afterward, they immediately found the taxi that was pulling work in the urban area through the city’s taxi positioning system.

In order to form an absolute deterrent to the taxi driver, Issac specially transferred Abner from Orvel, and asked him to come forward and talk to the taxi driver.

The taxi driver didn’t expect that he would have alarmed the four heavenly kings under Orvel’s hands. At the same time, he was shocked and frightened, and immediately retold all the things he could remember, one fifty and ten.

Dan and Mike, the grandparent and grandson, talked about this Cary on the way to Phoenix Mountain.

At that time, the two didn’t care too much about the taxi driver, after all, they didn’t talk about anything that was prohibited or sensitive.

And they also felt that a taxi driver could not have anything to do with the Su family and the Master Cary.

But they didn’t even dream that Charlie found the driver along the way.

Therefore, the driver told Abner that the two people in the car, one old and one young, talked about Cary all the way. He said that one was talking about going to Phoenix Mountain to meet the person named Cary, and he also said something about metaphysics. People don’t understand things, so the driver doesn’t take it too seriously.

When these words reached Charlie’s ears, he first hit a question mark in his mind.


“I’ve been in Aurous Hill for so long. I haven’t heard of this person before. Could it be that he also came from outside?”

Thinking of this, he called Qinghua again.

Chapter 2942

As soon as the phone was connected, he said politely: “Excuse me, Mr. Qinghua, I still have something else, and I want to ask you about it.”

Qinghua smiled and said, “Master you can ask anything, I’ll share if I know anything!”

Charlie asked, “I wonder if you have ever heard of a person whose name is Cary?”

“Cary?!” Qinghua’s voice suddenly increased by nearly an octave, blurting out: “How can Master have anything to do with this person?!”

Charlie frowned and asked, “Mr. Qinghua, do you know him?”

The old man replied truthfully: “I can’t talk about knowing him, but this person has long been notorious. Basically, he is known in the feng shui metaphysics circles overseas.”

“Oh?” Charlie asked curiously: “What is this person’s background?”

Qinghua said: “He is one of Rocco’s three true disciples!”

Charlie frowned: “Rocco? Who is this person?”

Qinghua explained: “About forty years ago, there was a well-known Feng Shui metaphysics master named Rocco in Hong Kong.”

“No one knows where he came from, only knowing that as soon as he made his debut, with his talents, he gained a firm foothold in this area.”

“After that, he started to establish schools and collect disciples. For a while, he was in the limelight. Many Hong Kong rich and underworld brothers were his disciples…”

“I have met this person several times, and I have drunk wine and talked with him about the ancient and modern times, so I know him better. This person is very good. Not only is he good at ventilation and water mystery, but he is also proficient in the mysticism of Gu technique, and he is very capable. Got all the in’s and outs!”

“It’s not like our feng shui master, who only knows the techniques of feng shui mystery and I-Ching, but not proficient in gu techniques and the killing methods such as lowering the head.”

Qinghua said this, and went on to say: “This Cary went to Rocco about thirty years ago. I met him when I visited Rocco at that time in the city.”

Chapter 2943

“Oh?” Charlie asked very curiously: “Since this Rocco is famous, how can Cary as his apprentice be so notorious?”

Qinghua explained: “Rocco’s talent was unparalleled in the world at the time. I have studied I-Ching and feng shui mysteries all my life, and I can only achieve the same level of knowledge as him in this area.”

“In addition to the I-Ching, and Feng Shui mystery, he is also proficient in many metaphysical mysteries. There are both good and evil, and his overall attainments are far superior to me!”

“Therefore, if it is not an outstanding talent, it is impossible for anyone to learn all of Rocco’s skills.”

“Because of this, his three true disciples at the time all had their own priorities.”

“Some people focus on feng shui mystery, some people focus on esoteric axioms, and Cary focused on raising Gu and lowering his head.”

“In the field of metaphysics, Yang-Gu is called sorcery, that is, evil way. Among them, Yang-Gu is the most vicious.”

“While Rocco was alive, Cary was able to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart and prevent himself from doing evil, but after Rocco died, this person completely freed himself, became an accomplice of the rich, and killed many enemies and competitors for the rich. So he has long been notorious.”

Charlie frowned, smacked his lips, and asked: “Mr. Qinghua, what is the relationship between this person and Rocco’s school and the other two true disciples of Rocco? I wonder if I will kill him by then, and I stabbed a Hornet’s nest, provoke a group of annoying guys?”

Qinghua said truthfully: “Although Rocco is an outstanding talent, he has no future developments in his life. After he did not ask questions in his later years, the school has lost its backbone and gradually fell apart. Otherwise, Cary would not leave Hong Kong and go to the UK. So there is no need to worry about his followers or friends.”

He said, “As for the relationship between his other two true disciples and Cary, to be honest, I don’t know too well.

In the later period, Hong Kong’s Feng Shui masters were used by the big powers to serve as tigers, so their character and reputation were generally not too great, so Master, you should be more careful.”

Immediately afterward, Qinghua continued: “I remember his other two true disciples, one named Melar and the other named Jinghai.”


Charlie’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he thought to himself.

“Unexpectedly… the Hong Kong metaphysics master Jinghai who was struck to death with thunder by himself turned out to be Cary’s senior brother! It’s really something!”

Qinghua, who was on the other side of the ocean, didn’t know the change in Charlie’s expression at this time.

He said on the phone: “Master, you must be careful about that Cary, and at the same time, pay attention to your side to see if there are people named Melar and Jinghai around. Rocco has countless fans around him, but The three true disciples have really learned some abilities, but the others are not enough.”

Charlie quickly thanked him and said, “Thank you, Mr. Qinghua, I will be more careful.”

Qinghua said again: “Also, that Cary has an extremely weird personality and he is an extremely insidious person.

The Gu-worm he raised is said to have been raised for 20 years. Except for the first year, that thing has grown up by drinking his blood. Every next day it will depend on eating the brains of living people. It is extremely dangerous. Master must be extra cautious.”

When Charlie heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

The Gu-worms that are raised by this man Cary actually swallowed human brains for food, which is simply damaging!

So he said, “Mr. Qinghua, don’t worry, the day Cary meets me is the day when the evil ends! I will definitely not leave him and his Gu-worms free in Aurous Hill this time!”

Chapter 2944

At the same time, Dan and Mike were sitting worriedly in the Shangri-La Hotel room.

Mike hasn’t recovered from the shocking experience just now, and his mental state is very bad.

Dan also kept silent, holding a few copper coins in his hand, and tossing them on the table.

The hexagram represented by the copper coin is no longer what he can comprehend, which makes him a little confused.

The opportunity in the hexagram is always there, but the danger has never been eliminated, even the misty sense of the unknown is even stronger than before.

Unconsciously, the old gentleman’s mentality began to gradually change.

Originally, he felt that he had borrowed Chengfeng’s invitation to come to China to find opportunities and make some money along the way.

It doesn’t matter if the chance and money are not found, just as a trip back to the motherland.

Even if it’s dangerous, it’s probably because he is older, and his body may be unbearable.

At the same time, it is also easy to trigger some hidden diseases that are common in the elderly.

However, he never expected that this event would have developed into a new level, with unprecedented dangers for him and his grandson!

This man Cary year is too dangerous!

This kind of murderer is so fearsome in his eyes.

Even for him, killing has long been commonplace.

He was suddenly involved in this matter, and it really made him feel a strong sense of crisis, so that he began to reassess in his heart, to judge whether this matter is worthy of continuing to invest in or not.

He lived to such an old age, and he didn’t care about Chengfeng’s money, but he wanted to have Qinghua’s chance to be twenty years younger suddenly.

Chapter 2945

However, now that the opportunity is complicated and the risk factors are uncertain, he is worried that he has not found the opportunity, so he put his life in danger in Aurous Hill.

After all, he is just a dying feng shui master. It can be said that he has no power to bind the chicken. The great-grandson Mike is the same. The grandfather and grandson basically have no ability to protect themselves.

In front of vicious Cary, the two of them couldn’t resist him for a round together. If they really started, he is afraid that they would only feed the Gu-worms.

Mike on the side has always had lingering fears and couldn’t help but say: “Grandpa, let’s go back to the United States, today I found this Cary really evil, if he wants to target us, we have no chance of winning at all!”

Dan sighed: “We can go, but if we go, we will definitely offend Chengfeng. Should Chengfeng let him kill us at that time, wouldn’t we be self-defeating?”

Mike hurriedly said: “We can tell him clearly, and then return all the money to him, is it not possible to break up peacefully?”

Dan shook his head and said:

“Did you not listen to Cary? He is good at killing people, but not good at finding people, so he is still waiting for us to find people out for him.

Then he goes to kill the people, and now Chengfeng thinks that this person we are looking for is related to his granddaughter Zhiyu. Let us find a breakthrough from her.

If we leave at this time, Cary may not agree. Didn’t you listen to him before leaving? Let me find the person quickly and don’t delay him getting rich.”

Speaking of this, Dan sighed and said: “We have been framed now. It is not our decision to go or stay.”

“F*UCK!” Mike couldn’t help but burst out a curse, and said angrily: “Then what to do…Can we find this person?”

Dan said with emotion: “It’s okay to find someone, but the key is whether there will be other troubles after finding that person… And if we find that person, and that person is killed by Cary, This is our karma!”

Mike couldn’t help saying: “Grandpa, now is not the time to take care of others. The most important thing is that we leave Aurous Hill safely. If we are fed to that big white bug by Cary, then we will be completely finished!”

Dan hesitated for a moment, nodded lightly, and sighed: “Hey, what you said makes sense. When you are too busy to take care of yourself, you can only find a way to protect yourself…”

After speaking, he said again: “I will try to get in touch with Zhiyu tomorrow and see if we can find a breakthrough from her.”

Chapter 2946

The next day, a rumor suddenly appeared in Aurous Hill.

It is said that a spiritual incident occurred in the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery in the suburbs. A security guard who guarded the cemetery was killed by an evil spirit last night.

However, these kinds of rumors were quickly controlled in a targeted manner. In addition, they were too superstitious, so only some middle-aged and old people with superstitious thinking would believe it, and young people would basically sneer when they heard it.

In the morning, Elaine made breakfast at home. When Charlie and Claire came down to eat, she said solemnly at the table: “Claire, Charlie, you two must go out as little as possible these two days. Even if you have to go out for something, you must come back before dark!”

Claire asked with a surprised look: “Mom, what’s the matter with you?”

Elaine said seriously: “I tell you, at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery last night, someone was killed by a ghost! Even the brain was emptied! It is said that at the time of death, the seven orifices bleed, and the big bowl on the top of the head was a big hole, the result is an empty shell inside, with nothing!”

When Claire heard this, she said helplessly: “Mom, you are also a college student anyway, do you believe this kind of rumor? There is no such thing as a ghost in the world, they are all deceptive lies.”

Elaine said solemnly: “How can this be a lie? This is true! Several elderly people I was in were all mad. There are still photos, but I don’t know how it was done. The system deleted it. Oh, that photo is terrifying, and my back is still wet even now.”

Jacob frowned and said, “There seem to be some people in my group discussing, but I looked through the chat records, and there is no evidence such as pictures, etc.”

Claire smiled and said: “Even if there are photos, it is not necessarily credible. The current computer synthesis technology is so advanced that any photos can be made. You guys, just put your heart in your stomach and don’t think about it much.”

Elaine said sternly, “I would rather believe it, or not believe it. You two should come home early. Anyway, there is no loss if you come home early. You can stay with me more at home. Isn’t it good?”

Claire said helplessly: “But I have to keep an eye on the projects recently, and I will get busier and busier in the future.”

Elaine shook her head helplessly, looked at Charlie, who had not spoken, and said: “My son-in-law, you have the ability. Remember to pick up Claire at night these days, she can come home alone, but I can’t rest assured.”

“Okay, mom!”

Although Charlie hasn’t spoken, he has already reviewed the content of Elaine and Claire’s conversation in his mind.

What Elaine talked about is not groundless, and it should be inseparable from that man Cary.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t know things like Gu-worms, and the incident was in the cemetery, so it is natural to speculate that evil spirits killed people.

It seems that this man is really cruel, and it is indeed a heinous crime to just feed his so-called Gu-worms by killing others!

If he doesn’t move and wait for him to come, don’t know how many people will die under his hands during this period!

Thinking of this, he immediately sent a message to Issac: “Check for me whether there is a record of the entry of a British Chinese named Cary, and then check the Aurous Hill hotel system to see if there is his check-in information!”

Chapter 2947

Issac received the message and immediately replied: “Master, do you want me to find out this person’s photo and send someone out to search for clues about him?”

“Don’t!” Charlie hurriedly ordered: “This person is very dangerous. Your subordinates are definitely not his opponents. Even the masters of the He family may not be his opponents.”

Issac hurriedly asked him: “Master, you asked us to track the pair of the old man and the young man who went to Phoenix Mountain last night. The strange death of the security guard at the Cemetery this morning should be related to this person, right?!”

“Right.” Charlie replied: “So you don’t tell other people, just check the clues for me, don’t let the wind go, let others go out to find him, but don’t let them contact him, otherwise they’ll get killed.”

“Sure, Master!”

At the time of breakfast, Issac got Cary’s entry and exit records.

This information includes his passport information, electronic photos, and surveillance videos left by the customs when he entered the country.

However, according to what he said, in the entire Aurous Hill hotel system, there is no record of this man staying in a hotel.

This also shows that this person did not live in a hotel in Aurous Hill, so he could not accurately locate his current whereabouts.

Charlie could only remember this person’s appearance and characteristics in his mind first, and then think of a long-term plan for the rest.

At the same time, he also made a review of the logical relationship of things in his heart.

Whether it is Dan and his grandson, or Cary, they must have been sent by Chengfeng, which is certain.

Cary is only good at killing people, but not good at finding people, so this guy definitely needs the help of Dan and his grandson to find clues.

In this case, through Dan, he should be able to find this man Cary.

This dog came to Aurous Hill from England to commit evil, and he must be killed as soon as possible to prevent him from endangering the lives of others!

Chapter 2948

At this point, Charlie made up his mind and went directly to Shangri-La to see this old man.

If he cooperates honestly, he will let this old man and his grandson leave China alive because he hasn’t done much evil and didn’t help the abuser.

But if they dare to help Cary and let him hurt anyone in Aurous Hill, then they will never return to the United States in this life!

Because of ghost rumors, Charlie didn’t let Claire drive to work by herself, but instead himself drove and dropped Claire at her place.

Claire originally didn’t want to trouble him, but after all, Elaine had spoken, she didn’t dare to object.

I have to say that since Elaine has suffered some big losses and been deceived, she is indeed more wary than before, and she knows that she cares about Claire’s safety.

Charlie sent her to the hotel under construction by the Emgrand Group, where construction is in full swing. Thousands of workers are here, so there will be no safety problems if they want to come.

When Claire was about to get out of the car, Charlie reminded: “My wife, don’t go home after getting off work alone at night. Whenever you are almost done, just call me and I will drive over to pick you up.”

Claire nodded, and said apologetically: “Then I might be late today.”

“It’s okay.” Charlie smiled slightly: “I will come to pick you up even if it is too late. Remember to call me in advance, lest you have to wait for me.”

“Okay!” Claire said with a sweet smile: “Then I will get out of the car now!”

After he bid farewell to Claire, he drove directly to Shangri-La.

On the way, he called Issac and asked him: “Mr. Issac, has Dan left Shangri-La?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, they are now having breakfast in the dining room. I think they have washed and dressed neatly. It is estimated that they will leave after the meal soon.”

Chapter 2949

Charlie said: “I will arrive in about ten minutes. If they want to leave, you can help me hold them.”

Issac asked, “Master, where do you want to meet them? Would you like me to arrange security to take them to my office?”

Charlie said: “No, it will be a horror. Later, you will directly arrange for the waiter to use the universal room card to enter their room, flip through their things, and then take something away, and finally open the door. If they want to leave, you will let them know about the theft from the room and ask them to rush to the room to confirm the loss.”

Issac smiled and said, “Master, it’s better that you have more ideas… OK, I will arrange it! If you want to come and do this, it will definitely take ten minutes!”

At this moment, Dan drank the last half cup of coffee, wiped his mouth, and said to Mike: “Okay, let’s hurry up and go to Du’s house and follow Zhiyu nearby.”

Mike hurriedly asked him: “Grandpa, are we going to follow that woman? We are not good at stalking…”

Dan said: “Don’t worry about that. As long as you see her and find a way to get a piece of her hair, I can figure out her previous movement in Aurous Hill little by little, and I can find a way to find her recent and long time places.”

After a pause, Dan said again: “Didn’t she have been missing for a while, and she was seriously injured. She must have stayed with the mysterious person the Su family is looking for such a long time, so I just need to find her. For a long time, she has been very close to that mysterious man!”

Mike asked in surprise: “Grandpa, what are you talking about? Why is it so amazing?!”

Dan said earnestly: “These are the tracking methods in Qimen Dunjia. You should learn the I-Ching first. In the future, your grandfather and your father will naturally teach you the various methods of Qimen Dunjia.”

Mike nodded lightly, full of expectation in his heart.

So he hurriedly stuffed half of the sliced ​​bread into his mouth, and then said vaguely: “Okay, grandpa, let’s go!”

Dan nodded and just stood up, suddenly a waitress ran over and asked nervously, “Are you a guest in room 1003?”

Dan asked curiously: “I am, what’s wrong?”

Chapter 2950

The waiter said apologetically: “I’m so sorry! When our room service was cleaning the room just now, she found that the door of your room was open. She went in and looked at it and found that your personal belongings were turned over.

It may be a theft, so please go back to your room and check if there is any property damage. If there is any, we will immediately cooperate with you to report to the police for investigation!”

Dan never thought that he would live in an internationally renowned five-star hotel chain and would accidentally get into trouble like this.

Hearing what the waiter said, he didn’t have any doubts at all, and subconsciously exclaimed: “Oh! Mike, help me back to my room!”

Dan went out this time and brought a lot of good things handed down from his ancestors, and today he was going to secretly approach Zhiyu, so he didn’t need many things so he didn’t bring them.

Among them, just a piece of Song Dynasty Fengshui compass is invaluable!

Moreover, that was passed down from the ancestors of the Mai family for nearly a thousand years, so there is no room for half a miss!

With Mike’s support, Dan hurried back to the room.

At this time, the room was in a mess.

Both he and Mike’s suitcases were opened and searched, and the Feng Shui compass was wrapped in silk and satin and placed in the suitcase.

And part of the RMB exchanged by him and Mike when they came to China, as well as some emergency U.S. dollars, were not lost in the box.

Dan was very nervous, and blurted out to Mike: “I didn’t lose money or other things, just lost the compass…”

Although Mike is not good at learning arts, he also knows that the compass is the family heirloom of the Mai family. It is said that it has been passed down from the first generation of ancestors who engaged in Feng Shui metaphysics in the Mai family until today.

Let alone how much this thing can be worth, the meaning of this inheritance alone cannot be measured by money.

More importantly, this feng shui compass, because of the continuous blessing of the ancestors of the past dynasties, can already be regarded as a magical instrument. Use it to check feng shui and divide gold and fix acupoints. The accuracy is much higher than that of any ordinary compass!

Chapter 2951

The descendants of the Mai family have relied on this compass to aspire to the masters of Feng Shui. If this compass is lost, the ability of the Mai family to watch Feng Shui will be greatly reduced in the future.

So he hurriedly said to Dan: “Grandpa, let’s call the police!”

Dan nodded repeatedly and blurted out: “Yes, call the police! Hurry up!”

At this moment, Issac stepped in and said: “Don’t be too nervous, two of you, I have already reported to the police.”

The grandfather and grandson turned their heads to look at the visitor, and saw that the other party was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He looked like an ordinary person, so Dan asked, “This gentleman, I wonder who you are?”

Issac hurriedly said, “Oh, I forgot to introduce to you, my next friend, Issac, is the general manager of the Shangri-La Hotel.”

As he said, he spoke with a look of shame: “I, as the manager of the hotel, am extremely sorry and ashamed of the occurrence of such a thing. When I learned of the burglary, I rushed over as soon as possible, and I came here. People have already called the police on the road, and I believe the police will be here soon.”

When Mike heard that Issac had called the police, he gave up the idea of ​​calling the police himself.

At this time, Dan asked with a bit of anger: “Mr. Issac, your hotel is a world-renowned chain, and I have stayed in your hotels all over the world once or twice!”

“No matter where I stayed at any Shangri-La hotel in the past, the security and services were very well. There has never been a case of losing something. Even the waiter’s tip is unconventional. If I leave the cash on the bed. It will move nowhere!”

“But, it’s your hotel alone, where burglary incidents will happen! And even one of my most valuable family heirlooms was stolen! It’s too much!”

Issac smiled awkwardly and hurriedly apologized: “Oh, Mr. Dan, I’m really very sorry, and I’m also surprised that something like this will happen in our hotel. To be honest, this is the first time since the opening of our hotel…”

As he said, he couldn’t help asking: “Mr. Dan, I wonder if your family heirloom treasure is very valuable? Could someone be following your family heirloom treasure to steal it?”

Issac’s kick immediately kicked the ball to Dan’s feet.

This is exactly what Charlie taught him.

Chapter 2952

In Charlie’s words, this trick is called “returning troubles.”

Do you come to question me? Okay, then I will directly question you in reverse.

You accuse me of poor security here, and I will say vaguely that you may have been targeted by others. As for who is eyeing you, you have a ghost in your heart and think about it yourself.

And what’s interesting is that even if he stole anything from Dan’s room, Issac took the mobile phone live video to show Charlie, and Charlie chose the compass.


Dan was immediately stopped by Issac’s rhetorical question.

He also thinks this thing is very strange.

Why did you steal it yourself?

Why did you steal the compass from your own family?

If you are not a knowledgeable person, you will definitely choose to take cash. Who would take an old compass that does not see the age and value?

Thinking of this, the first person Dan thought of turned out to be Cary.

Did he wonder if Cary secretly stole his ancestral compass?

Cary was originally not good at Feng Shui mystery. Maybe it was to make up for the shortcomings in this area, so he set his sights on his own ancestral compass!

Thinking of this, Dan did not dare to directly question Cary, so he could only pin his hopes on the police, so he hurriedly asked Issac: “Maybe, how long will the police take to be there?”

Issac checked the time and said, “I guess it will take up to three minutes. You can wait a little longer.”

“Good!” Dan could only nod and agreed.

Chapter 2953

Three minutes later, a young man with extraordinary bearing stepped into his room.

This person is Charlie who has just arrived at Shangri-La.

Charlie stepped in, looked around the room for a while, then focused his gaze on Dan, and asked, “Is this Mr. Dan Mai?”

Seeing that Charlie’s eyebrows were full of heroic spirit, Dan thought it was a police officer in plainclothes law enforcement, so he hurriedly said: “Hello police officer, this is Dan, I have something very important that has been stolen!”

Charlie nodded, and said to Issac and the other staff around him: “I want to survey the scene, and other relevant people will go out first.”

Issac pretended not to know him, and said hurriedly: “Okay.”

After speaking, he ordered the other staff and left the room together, and brought the door to a close before leaving.

In the room, only Charlie, Dan, and his grandson were left.

Seeing that Issac had closed the doors, Dan couldn’t help asking Charlie: “Mr. Police Officer, are you the only one in your police this time?”

Charlie looked at Dan, and suddenly said with a somewhat grim expression: “Since there are no outsiders, then I will open the skylight to speak up. I am not a police officer. I am looking for you because I have something to tell you. Check it out.”

Dan couldn’t help frowning, and asked very vigilantly: “Are you not a police officer?! Then who are you?! Is my compass with you?!”

Charlie said coldly: “Still caring about your compass? I tell you, the next question I will ask, you’d better answer truthfully, otherwise don’t talk about the compass, even your life will remain in my hands!”

When Mike on the side heard this, he immediately scolded: “I don’t care who you are, but please pay attention to your words! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Charlie glanced at Mike, and pointed a finger directly on his forehead!

Chapter 2954

Immediately afterward, a trace of spiritual energy directly blocked his central nervous system. Mike didn’t even have time to hum and immediately lost all control of his body. The whole person was like in high paraplegia, unable to move even for a second.

Mike’s expression was terrified, he wanted to speak, but he felt that he couldn’t even open his mouth!

Charlie didn’t bother to pay attention to him, but looked at the terrified old man Dan, and said coldly:

“Master Dan, I know your details and the purpose of your coming to Aurous Hill. I even know that you were at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery last night.

It’s the man named Cary you met there, so you’d better not play tricks with me, otherwise, I will let your two live together in Phoenix Mountain Cemetery tomorrow!”

Charlie’s words made Dan’s whole person struck by lightning!

Just now, with a single finger, Charlie directly pointed Mike into the living dead, which had already shaken Dan completely.

The strength that Charlie showed just now was far beyond his ability to compare.

Now, Charlie revealed his details, and his meeting with Cary last night, made Dan extremely nervous!

He stared at Charlie very nervously, and asked, “Who are you on earth?”

Charlie sneered: “My last name is Wade, and my name is Charlie.”

Dan blurted out: “I and you have never known each other, why did you secretly investigate and follow me and steal my family compass?”

Charlie asked him back: “You are a Feng Shui who is over a hundred years old. Since you have lived in the United States for many years, and you are not in the United States to care for the elderly at such an old age, what do you want to do in China?

You are also mixed with sinful beasts like Cary. Aren’t you afraid of smashing the reputation and signature of your Mai family for nearly a thousand years?!”

Dan’s expression was a little embarrassed, and he stammered: “I…I…I didn’t mix with Cary! My hands have never been stained with blood!”

Chapter 2955

Charlie asked again: “Then why did you go to see him at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery last night? Besides, haven’t you seen the security guard who died at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery? Does his death have anything to do with you?”

Dan blurted out: “The reason why I went to see him was that he asked me to meet him over there to discuss something. I didn’t want to have enemies with him, so I went to deal with it.

As for the security guard, when I got there, he was already dead. Yes, naturally there is nothing to do with me!”

Charlie stared at him, and asked, “What exactly does he have to discuss with you?”

Dan said coldly: “This is my personal affair with him, it has nothing to do with you!”

Charlie sneered: “Old man, it stands to reason that someone like you should not be so hard-headed.

I just think you are old, so I don’t want to give you trouble, but if you want to rely on the old and sell the old, then I can say you are welcome!”

Dan felt a little flustered, but he resolutely said: “You are so unreasonable! I have no grievances with you. Who have I met, what have I talked about. What does it have to do with you?”

Charlie said impatiently: “Don’t cheat on me here. I can tell you clearly. If you don’t explain Cary’s affairs clearly and tell me his specific trends, then don’t blame me for disrespecting you at this old age!”

Dan snorted: “You are not a law enforcement agency, so naturally I will not tell you.”

“Won’t tell me?” Charlie snorted, sternly:

“Since you have seen him yesterday, you know that his natal Gu-worm relies on the human brain to feed on. If I catch him a day earlier, he might be prevented from killing more innocent people.

If you don’t tell the specific truth, it is akin to sheltering and indulging in the crime! Everyone killed at the hands of Cary next, you bear the unshirkable responsibility!”

“Joke!” Dan said arrogantly:

“I have stood upright and walked upright throughout my life. I have never done anything that hurts the world. You should never want to put other people’s feces on the old man’s head! Even in the world! In front of the police, I am innocent!”

Chapter 2956

Charlie said with contemptuous sarcasm:

“I know what old things like you think. People like you are most often talking about it.

Everyone sweeps the snow before the door, and doesn’t care about others’ tiles.

You think that people are killed by others, it has nothing to do with you? I tell you, with others, you may be able to fool them with your b@stard thinking, but with me, you are as hateful as a murderer!”

Speaking of this, Charlie yelled coldly: “I will put the words here today. If Cary kills another person in Aurous Hill, I won’t bury you in the Phoenix Mountain Cemetery, because just let you die, it is a cheap punishment.

It’s too cheap for you indeed, so I will put your and your this grandson in the kennel and let you live in the dog cage for a lifetime!”

When Charlie said these words, the whole person did not conceal his killing intent at all, and the sharp eyes made Dan’s heart terrified!

Although Dan didn’t know Charlie’s details, he didn’t doubt what he said at the moment.

When he was nervous, he couldn’t help but explain: “I don’t know where Cary is. This person’s location is uncertain and he travels alone. He contacted me when I went to Phoenix Mountain yesterday and let me pass.”

Charlie said coldly: “So, you should have his contact information, then find a way to help me ask him out.”

Dan couldn’t help saying:

“This matter has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to be involved in this at all.

If you have any enmity with him, it is the matter of the two of you. Please don’t involve me in it. The big deal is that we will leave tonight.

It’s just that I don’t have anything to do with China anymore.”

Dan had seen Cary’s ability, so he didn’t want to be an enemy of him at all.

Chapter 2957

In case he really helped the young man in front of him to find the whereabouts of Cary, the young man is not Cary’s opponent in any sense to him.

Not only would this young man have to die, but he would also have no good end.

Since childhood, his most abiding life creed is to ignore and not get nosy, as long as he has no interest in matters, he doesn’t want to be involved, so he doesn’t want to be involved in the grievances between Charlie and Cary.

Seeing that the old guy didn’t get in, Charlie sneered, and said:

“No wonder when this country was in trouble, you guys who understand feng shui, went abroad!

As the saying goes, it doesn’t matter. Hang up high, talking about you unscrupulous people! What kind of righteousness and good morals are all just sh*t in your eyes!”

Dan was reprimanded by Charlie. Although his face was a little embarrassed, he still said stiffly:

“As the saying goes, the tree fell and the horses were scattered. Back then, so many people went abroad. Everyone had their own ambitions, and it was impossible to say who would treat the other.

Wrong, not to mention, today is a society ruled by law, as long as everything follows the law and within the legal framework, you are a good citizen!”

After speaking, Dan looked at Charlie and said sharply: “On the contrary, it is you! If you dare to restrict my personal freedom, then you are bending the law and breaking the law!”

Charlie really did not expect this old thing to be so stubborn. He had a relationship before, and he didn’t look like a bad person.

Only today he discovered that this old thing is not a bad person who clearly hurts, but it is far from talking about it. What a good person, and once this guy is in trouble, he is still an old b@stard who is selfish to the extreme.

He is full of thoughts that he can retreat all by himself. As for the life and death of other people, he will not look at it!

So Charlie nodded his head coldly, and said lightly:

“Interesting, you are afraid of getting nosy, I am nosy, so if you fall into my hands, there is no possibility of retreating from the whole body. I will take it first. You go to visit the kennel, after the tour, you can tell me if you want to get involved or not!”

Dan stomped his feet angrily, but seeing Charlie’s unwavering appearance, he was more or less scared in his heart, so his tone softened, and he said in a pleading manner: “Mr. Wade, I am an old bone, these things I cannot handle at this age, why are you embarrassing me so much?

Charlie snorted contemptuously: “Okay, save the time! I put the words here, as long as Cary kills one more person, I want you to die in Aurous Hill!”

Chapter 2958

Charlie’s unquestionable tone and uncompromising threat made Dan very nervous.

The most feared thing in his life is getting into trouble. It is a true portrayal of his seventy to eighty years since he became an adult.

This time, if it hadn’t been for Qinghua’s chance, he would not have been a hundred years old and would have not come to China to take risks.

But now, seeing that he has provoked Charlie, such a fierce role, there was only one thing in his mind, which was to withdraw quickly.

As a result, he softened his tone and looked at Charlie beggingly: “Mr. Wade, I am really unfamiliar with that man Cary, and I am older, and there are so many problems with my body, so don’t make me embarrassed…”

Charlie didn’t look at him, but said loudly through the door: “Mr. Issac, prepare the car and send Mr. Dan to visit the dog farm of Orvel!”

“Okay, young master!” Issac, who had been standing outside the door, agreed without hesitation when he heard this.

Dan’s face turned pale, and he was about to continue begging for mercy when Charlie’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that the call was from the United States, Charlie knew that it must be Mr. Qinghua, so he directly pressed the answer button.

On the other side of the phone, Qinghua’s voice came and asked, “Master Wade, I wonder what’s going on with you? Did you catch that Cary?”

Charlie smiled indifferently, and said: “Thanks to your old man who is still thinking, Cary hasn’t been found yet. I’m looking for a breakthrough from these people.”

When Qinghua heard this, he couldn’t help asking: “The other person the Master is talking about should be Dan, right?”

“Right.” Charlie said: “It’s him.”

At this time, Dan’s expression suddenly became extremely horrified.

He, can’t hear Qinghua’s voice on the phone, but when Charlie said just now that he was looking for a breakthrough from these people, he knew that the “these people” in his mouth were himself and his grandson.

Chapter 2959

And now, Charlie said again that it was him, did the person on the phone also know him?

Thinking of this, he thought nervously in his heart: “I didn’t expect that this person surnamed Wade and I would have a mutual acquaintance. I don’t know who this person is?”

At this moment, Qinghua said to Charlie on the phone: “Master Wade, Mr. Mai is my old friend. I still know him well. He is not bad in nature. He is naturally speculative and lacks deep analysis. If he provokes you, Master Wade, please bear with him for me.”

Charlie glanced at Dan with a nervous look, turned on the speaker, and said, “Mr. Qinghua, your old friend is not just missing some responsibilities. I have planned to keep him in Aurous Hill and reflect on it.”

Qinghua exclaimed, “Master Wade, what’s going on? Can you let me speak a few words with Mr. Mai?”

Charlie said calmly: “I’m turning on the speaker, so you can talk.”

Qinghua blurted out: “Old Mai! Why did you offend Master Wade?!”

Dan subconsciously said: “Brother Qinghua?! How do you know this man?!”

Qinghua said vaguely: “Master Wade is an old man who has been in his new year.”

Dan hurriedly pleaded: “Brother Qinghua, please tell this Young Master clearly that I don’t want to involve myself in the affairs of Cary. As we know each other for many years, ask him to just let Mike and me leave Aurous Hill!”

When Qinghua heard this, he couldn’t help sighing, and said, “Mr. Mai, that Cary did evil in Aurous Hill. Master Wade will bring him to justice. You must help if you feel reasonable. How can you do this at this time? Flee now, when he needs you!”

Dan said bitterly: “Brother Qinghua, my loess is buried in my eyebrows. How could he be the opponent of Cary? That person is very good at Gu art and extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, I saved my life…”

Charlie said at this time: “Mr. Qinghua, you have also heard that this person is as timid as a mouse and has no responsibility.

Naturally, I can’t just let him go. If he helps me catch Cary, I will forgive him. He will live, but if he is stubborn and allows Cary to continue to harm the people, then I will kill him!”

Dan was anxious and blurted out: “How can you be so cruel! I have been in friendship with Brother Qinghua for many years, so don’t you just ignore your affection?”

As soon as Qinghua heard this, he immediately said: “Old Mai, you don’t want to provoke Master or create discord here. I won’t beg Master Wade to treat you for my sake!”

Chapter 2960

Dan originally wanted to take advantage of Qinghua’s acquaintance to beg for lenient treatment.

But he did not expect Qinghua to draw a line with him so directly, and immediately said indignantly: “Brother Qinghua! Are you starting to fall into trouble? Isn’t it righteous?”

Qinghua’s tone became a little cold, and he said: “It’s not that I am not righteous, but that I owe Young Master a great kindness, and I may not be able to pay it back in my life. How can I have the face to let him give me face?”

Dan was shocked.

He did not expect that Qinghua said so much.

“How can he owe him a great kindness to this young man before him, an old man who is over a hundred years old? Isn’t this too outrageous?”

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Qinghua’s previous opportunity, and couldn’t help asking: “Brother Qinghua, could your chance be related to this person?!”

Qinghua fell silent all at once.

He can’t say these words.

Because he didn’t want to go against Charlie’s wishes and reveal his identity to the outside world.

However, Qinghua’s silence caused Dan to scream in his heart, and suddenly he blurted out nervously and asked: “Brother Qinghua! Your chance is really thanks to him, right?!”

Qinghua said vaguely: “I have no comment on this matter!”

Charlie said calmly: “Mr. Qinghua, since he wants to know so much, why not just say it?”

When Qinghua heard this, he grimaced and said, “Hey, Mr. Mai, you are confused! You guessed it, Master Wade is the great benefactor who gave me the great of opportunities! You travel all the way to China to find opportunities, how can you still offended Master Wade?!”

“Ah?!” Dan only felt five thunders over his head!

Before, he repeatedly asked Qinghua about the details of his chances, but he always said that he must not reveal the identity of the benefactor, even his children, and grandchildren.

In Dan’s view, Qinghua’s chances were so great that he could reach the sky. At that time, Qinghua used the power of the whole country and failed to turn back time and live forever.

But he went to China for three years and returned to the United States after three years. The whole person was twenty years younger, how can he not let Dan be moved?

However, although he was looking forward to it in his heart at the time, he was helpless in the face of the tight-lipped Qinghua.

Originally, he also thought about running to China to look for opportunities, but in this vast country, it would have been difficult to find the man on his own.

However, this matter has been lingering in his heart, and it has become the wish that he wants to realize the most.

This time he came to Aurous Hill because he discovered that there were opportunities mixed in it during the divination, so he made a special trip from the United States.

But he never expected that the great opportunity he was looking forward to in his dreams would turn out to be the young man in front of him!

For an instant, he felt extremely remorseful in his heart, and he couldn’t help but secretly thought: “Only if I knew this was the case earlier! Even if he kills me, I can’t offend this true Lord!”

Thinking of this, his legs softened, he knelt on the ground with a puff, and said in tears: “Master Wade, I’m so sorry, I was so confused, you must not have a grudge for me!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2941-2960 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.