Summon Night: Swordcraft Story - Guides - (2025)

written by GrassiNoleroute planning by GrassiNole and KyrieZee

General notes for the runner:-R+B to scroll text boxes-Do not mash A in the menus, this will cause the cursor not to appear.-Mashing right and down in the menus will speed up the cursor movement.-To name Pratty and Zantek faster use START then A-Running on a diagonal on stairs (i.e. the ones to the left of the Silver Guild) is fasterthan running plain left or right-Put all stat points in ATK.-Can backstab enemies for extra damage-Press A during enemy intro/health bar loading to skip field scan-Rhythmic pressing of A can allow for a a quick second punch with drills-Mashing left or right makes the cursor appear faster in dialogue choices, mash right+A-Swapping weapons from Ladle to heavier weapon when running boosts gage fill

Day 1 - Intro

-Grab entrance ticket from closet and head downstairs, grab water scooter-Head to the opening ceremony, talk to people around you to start cutscene-Select all top options to get Zantek, use him for night sessions, go to your room-End Night 1.

Day 2 - Chavez

-Grab iron ore from chest, go to the next level and grab the ore in the chest,there is another ore in the room with double doors-Continue to the next level and activate the warp, find bottomless cup-Talk to old man (left) near archways to get Mystic Ore-Craft Novice Knife from iron ore-Take drill type technique from Bron, break down sword make drill and equip itCHAVEZ: We want to break his weapon.-End Night 2.

Day 3 - Kenon

-Make Chavez's Sword, equip it-Run the errand in Vance Cape, agree to sell weapons to Nigelle-Descend to the lowest possible floor to get 4 martial ores(stone door in middle and farthest left chests,second stone door in the two middle and right-most chest)-When talking to Zantek pick reject offer-Aquire at least 1 mystic ore, get Pratty to level 8-Back track to a metal door with a warp next and leave-Head back to the port, talk to Nigelle and choose the second option-Head to your room to get match notice, talk to Bron for new drill technique and craft it, head to matchVARIL:Enchant Spark at the start. Chase him into a corner and guard hits.Drop guard to bait a jump attack and guard that attack. Once the attack connects dropthe guard and start attacking.-Equip mineral ring, astral guard, enchant sparkKENON: Enchant Spark at the start. Chase him into a corner and guard hits.Drop guard to bait a jump attack and guard that attack. Once the attack connects dropthe guard and start attacking.-End Night 3.

Day 4 - Razzy

-Talk to Bron to get the Micro Turbine technique, break down all martial ore andnovice drill to craft and equip it, equip Astral Guard and Heal-Teleport to floor 6-Fight any Spell Sword or Spell Axes along the way, nothing else-Whack the crack in the corner with your hammerYASHA SPIDER: Enchant Spark and Astral Guard, use sword until it almost breaks then switch to drill-Rest after Yasha Spider, remove drill, leave labyrinth, fight Razzy.RAZZY: Stay close to her, once she starts to attack flurry hit her back. If she runs chase her down.-Sneak past the guards to find Razzy in sunflower room on the fourth floor.-End Night 4.

Day 5 - Ariel

-Talk to Bron for Nano Rotor, craft it, talk to him again for Micro Turbine-Warp to floor 11, head down to the next floor and examine the first metal door, leave-Visit Sakuro at his house, material 1 is in the house south of his, material 2is slightly south and 2 houses left, talk to Sakuro to get a technique, make the Ladle-Talk to Sakuro again, talk to the spice guy on floor 1 and head backto Sakuro and make your curry, find Sakuro in the meeting hall-Head to floor 11 and through the once locked door, get to 10 mystic ore-Gather gather Core Parts and Conductor Rod on F18-Warp out, rest, break down collected items and Eerie mask and makeWhirlwind Rotor, then Gladius-Talk to Sakuro and head to fightARIEL: Astral Guard then Enchant Spark. Get close to her and wait for her to strike.Strike her back as her animation plays. Walk close to her and repeat.-End Night 5.

Day 6 - Soldier

-Make another Chavez's Sword (equip), a Micro Turbine, a Whirlwind Rotor (equip), and Zantetsu-Make your delivery to the Rondeau on the third level-Warp to floor 11 and head to Kouren's room with the sword-Descend as much as possible while avoiding fightsHEAVY METAL: Enchantments and hit it with a drill, swap to sword if close to breaking.-Work your way back up to Kouren, avoiding fights, after warp out-Head back to the level Rondeau lives on and head southSOLDIER: Apply your enchantments, then attack with sword.-End Night 6

Day 7 - King Crabber

-Head to the port and after the cutscene talk to BronGIANT SERPENT: Switch to sword and apply enchantments, attack-Run into town to get caught via the caveKING CRABBER: Switch to drill, apply enchantments and attack right eye-Go to mayor's house to the right and select wait here then head home.-Visit Amariss. End Night 7.

Day 8 - Kirin

-Head to Rondeau, then talk to Bron, head to the port-Head up the stairs on the island, pick the staggard stair route-Head down-right to progress the story-Portals:Right portalRight portal, stairsClosest portalLeft portal right after bridgeLeft portalFirst left portalFirst left portal, stairsCutscene, nearest portal (slide glitch here, hold v>B through cutscene)UREKSA: Nothing different for this guy, let him attack, guard it, and proceed to hit him.-Portals part 2:Stairs down to the right most portalNearest portalPortal after bridge, stairsNearest portalPortal after bridge, to KirinKIRIN: Enchantments and then another simple fight with a drill-Visit Amariss and go back to guild. End Night 8.

Day 9 - Ureska

-Trip to Vance Cape and meeting Rumari, after talk to Bron, Sakuro, back to port-Make your way through the lighthouse, avoid fights, all the staircases you needare diagonally up/down from each other so its not hard to navigateUREKSA: Same as last fight, only he is faster now.-Exit the lighthouse and select the third option, this skips Rumari cutscene-End Night 9

Day 10 - Lubert

-Go to Sakuro at the port, pick up 3 amulets from shop on the way-"Portals"Nearest greenRight greenLeft greenLeft red, then door wayUp the stairs at the end of the roomExit the upper floorRight greenRight green, door way and circle around the roomLeft greenRight green, door wayUp the stairs at the end of the roomTake the left path to exit this roomSOLDIER: Like the last soldier only he has an axeLUBERT: Enchantments, stay close and hit himPARISTA: Simple fight, use enchantments and drill-End Night 10

Day 11 - Sanary

-Set first weapon to a Chavez's Sword-Head down stairs to Bron and Sanary, then talk to Amariss,head to Rondeau and get caught by Sakuro on the third floor-Talk to Bron then go fight SanarySANARY: Enchantments and chase her into a corner and hit herCornering her help prevent her jump + attack,keep far enough away so she cant jump out-End Night 11

Day 12 - Parista

-Equip the Ladle and Chavez's Sword-Attempt to enter the labyrinth on the first and second floor, then move to third-Head to the portal at the beginning and go to floor 11, use an amulet-Begin descent, use Amulets when they run out. The first should get you to floor 29-Reminder to keep the ladle out to run faster-If you run into an iron giant fight it for a level until you are level 37UREKSA: Persistent little...-Continue down to reach Parista, end descentPARISTA 1: Use the ladle to hit Parista, the game checks weapon DUR to end the unwinnable fight-After the cutscene sacrifice Zantek, pick sword type or drill type-The drill is faster given good RNG and sword is more consistentPARISTA 2: Astral Guard and Enchant Spark, stand close and attack himYou can hit the head when it is up in the air out of the way when he goes tohead butt or use the rock attack, you can damage the hand right after the rocksstop falling.Astral Guard and Enchant Spark, jump the hands, and eat the other attacksHeal when needed

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story - Guides - (2025)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.