Genetic Variations of the Bovine MX1 and Their Association with Mastitis (2024)

Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167 Original Paper doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

Genetic Variations of the Bovine MX1 and Their Association with Mastitis

Ningbo Chen, Fengqiao Wang, Nongqi Yu, Yuan Gao, Jieping Huang, Yongzhen Huang, Xianyon Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen, Ruihua Dang*

College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, P.R. China *Corresponding author: [emailprotected]

ABSTRACT Chen N., Wang F., Yu N., Gao Y., Huang J., Huang Y., Lan X., Lei C., Chen H., Dang R. (2017): Genetic variations of the bovine MX1 and their association with mastitis. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 157–167. The primary agent of mastitis is a wide spectrum of bacterial strains; however, viral-related mastitis has also been reported. The MX dynamin-like GTPase 1 (MX1) gene has been demonstrated to confer positive antiviral responses to many viruses, and may be a suitable candidate gene for the study of disease resistance in dairy cattle. The present study was conducted to investigate the genetic diversity of theMX1 gene in Chinese cattle breeds and its effects on mastitis in Holstein cows. First, polymorphisms were identified in the complete coding region of the bovine MX1 gene in 14 Chinese cattle breeds. An association study was then carried out, utilizing polymorphisms detected in Holstein cows to determine the associations of these single nucleotide polymor- phisms (SNPs) with mastitis. We identified 13 previously reported SNPs in Chinese domestic cattle and four of them in Holstein cattle. A novel 12 bp indel was also discovered in Holstein cattle. In addition, haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium of four SNPs detected in Holstein cows were investigated. Analysis of these four SNPs in Chinese Holstein cows revealed two SNPs (g.143181370 T>C and g.143182088 C>T) significantly P( < 0.05) associated with somatic cell score (SCS). The results indicated that SNPs in the MX1 gene might contribute to the variations observed in the SCS of dairy cattle. Therefore, implementation of these two mutations in selection indexes of the dairy industry might be beneficial by favouring the selection individuals with lower SCS.

Keywords: MX dynamin-like GTPase 1; polymorphism; marker assisted selection; disease resistance; viral infection; somatic cell score

The Mx dynamin-like GTPase (MX) 1 gene plays essential for the regulation of GTPase activity and an important role in the immune response, induc- the C-terminal portion contains a leucine zipper tion of apoptosis, and signal transduction (Haller et motif that is involved in forming a hom*ooligomer al. 2015). MX1 possesses a N-terminal GTPase do- (Melen et al. 1992). The MX1 protein has been main, a bundle signalling element, and a C-terminal demonstrated to have potent activity against several stalk domain. The N-terminal region of MX1 is RNA viruses, such as the influenza virus, vesicular

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81270439), the Research Foundation for Advanced Talents (No. Z111021202), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015M572607), and the Program of the National Beef Cattle Industrial Technology System (CARS-38). N. Chen and F. Wang contributed equally to this paper. 157 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167

doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS stomatitis virus (VSV), and Thogoto virus (THOV) In addition, most studies that identify quantita- (Verhelst et al. 2013; Haller et al. 2015). Loss of tive trait loci (QTL) for mastitis resistance use MX1 function in human or mice enhances infection the somatic cell score (SCS) as an indicator trait by multiple viruses, including orthomyxoviruses, for both subclinical and clinical mastitis (CM). paramyxoviruses, and hepadnaviruses (Verhelst et Breeding schemes often use the SCS because it al. 2015). The MX1 gene increases fitness through shows a moderate to high genetic correlation to antiviral activity in mice, human, cows (Gerardin CM and it is easier to record (Lund et al. 2007). et al. 2004; Nakatsu et al. 2004), chickens (Ko et Taking the functions of the MX1 protein into con- al. 2002), and pigs (Asano et al. 2002). In cattle, sideration, we hypothesized that MX1 might also overexpression of the MX1 protein inhibits rep- have an indirect impact on mastitis in dairy cattle. lication of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMD) Therefore the aims of the present study were to (Diaz-San Segundo et al. 2013). The porcine MX1 detect polymorphisms of the bovine MX1 gene in gene has been proposed as a candidate gene for 13 Chinese cattle breeds (including Yellow cattle immunity traits (Wang et al. 2012). Furthermore, a and Holstein cows), and to determine the associa- polymorphism in the promoter region of the MX1 tion of these SNPs with milk SCS (considered a gene is associated with porcine reproductive traits mastitis indicator) in 297 Chinese Holstein cows. and respiratory syndrome virus infection (Li et We expect to discover candidate markers related al. 2015). These findings suggest that MX1 is an to CM in Chinese dairy cattle. interesting candidate gene for disease resistance in farm animals. Bovine MX1 cDNA (GenBank Acc. No. AF047692) MATERIAL AND METHODS was originally cloned from an Angus-Gelbvieh cross-bred cow by Ellinwood et al. (1998). The Animals. We investigated genetic variation in bovine MX1 gene is mapped to chromosome 1 the bovine MX1 gene using 466 individuals from and is made up of 13 exons (Gerardin et al. 2004) 13 cattle breeds in China. All experimental proce- that encode a 654 amino acid protein (Ellinwood dures were performed according to authorization et al. 1999). A total of 23 polymorphisms have granted by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. A been identified in the bovine MX1 gene so far, total of 120 animals from 12 yellow cattle breeds including 10 synonymous mutations, one missense (ten animals per each breed) were selected from substitution, and a 13 bp indel mutation in the 3' different Chinese farms: Mongolian cattle, Anxi untranslated regions (UTR) (Nakatsu et al. 2004). cattle, Qinchuan cattle, Jinnan cattle, Luxi cattle, In addition, the MX1 gene of other domestic ani- Jiaxian cattle, Zaosheng cattle, Nanyang cattle, mals has been identified, however, its impact on Xuanhan cattle, Wannan cattle, Leizhou cattle, and disease susceptibility remains unclear (Ellinwood Hainan cattle. In addition, a total of 346 Chinese et al. 1999; Asano et al. 2002; Ko et al. 2002). In Holstein cattle were selected for the study. For light of this potential application, the present the association analysis, 297 Chinese Holstein study was designed to detect polymorphisms of cows were randomly selected from the Agricul- the MX1 gene in native Chinese cattle. tural Machinery Corporation of Xi’an city in the Mastitis is the most significant health prob- province of Shaanxi. Blood samples were collected lem affecting dairy cattle. The primary agents and genomic DNA was extracted from leukocytes of mastitis include a wide spectrum of bacterial using the standard phenol-chloroform method strains; however, the incidence of viral-related (Green and Sambrook 2012). Genomic DNA con- mastitis has also been reported. Viruses can either centrations were measured and working solutions be directly or indirectly involved in the etiology were prepared and adjusted to concentrations of bovine mastitis. In natural cases of mastitis, of 50 ng/µl. Ten DNA samples from each breed bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1), BHV4, FMD, and were selected to construct genomic DNA pools PI3 viruses have all been isolated from milk. It is for yellow cattle. DNA samples from 50 Holstein likely that some viruses (BHV2, cowpox, pseudo- cows were randomly selected for a DNA pool. cowpox, FMD, VSV, and papillomaviruses) cause The genomic DNA pool provided the templates teat lesions, thereby damaging the integrity of the for PCR amplification to explore genetic variation bovine udder, and indirectly contribute to mastitis. in the MX1 gene.

158 Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167 Original Paper doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

Phenotypic data. All of the dairy cows were PCR-restricted fragment length polymorphisms 4.0–7.0 years old with the same lactation period. (PCR-RFLP) (Table 1). Three different genotypes Milk samples were taken from each cow once each of each SNP were confirmed by DNA sequencing month for the entire lactation period. The test- again. Aliquots (6 µl) of the PCR products were day milk yield was recorded, SCS, fat, and protein digested with 10 U AvaI for g.143181451 A>G, ScrFI percentages were collected from the laboratory of for g. 143182088C>T, and HaeIII for g.143189365 a dairy herd improvement (DHI) center (Shaanxi, T>C at 37°C for 10 h. The locus g.143181370 T>C China) using a milk composition analyzer (Foss has no natural restriction endonuclease cleavage Milk Scan FT 6000, Denmark) (Supplementary site, so an artificially created restriction site-PCR Table S1). In the cow, SCS is calculated according (ACRS-PCR) primers were designed, forward to Shook (1993): primer MX1-g.143181370 T>C with G instead of A at the 3' end was designed to introduce a HincII SCS = log2(SCC/100) + 3 recognition site. In addition, a 12 bp indel could be genotyped by different length of PCR products. where: The products were separated by 12% polyacryla- SCC = cells/µl mide gel (PAGE) in 1× Tris-borate-EDTA (TBE) The mean and standard error of test day record buffer under constant voltage (200 V) for 2 h. The of average milk yield, fat percentage (%), protein gels were stained with ethidium bromide and the percentage (%), and SCS were 20.779 ± 0.208 kg, genotypes were determined based on difference 4.309 ± 0.019%, 3.161 ± 0.009%, and 4.962 ± 0.075, in electrophoretic patterns. respectively, in the tested animals (Supplementary Statistical analysis. Gene frequencies were Table S1). determined by direct counting. Population ge- PCR amplification, SNP detection, and geno- netic indexes, such as heterozygosity (He), ho- typing. The coding region of the bovine MX1 gene mozygosity (Ho), effective allele numbers (Ne), was amplified with 15 primers designed according and polymorphism information content (PIC) to the sequence obtained from GenBank (Acces- were calculated according to Nei’s and Botstein’s sion No. NC_007299.5) using Primer 5.0 software methods. The formulas used were as follows: (Supplementary Table S2). PCR amplification n n n was conducted in a 50 µl volume containing 5 µl  PH 2 H 1  P 2 Ne  1 P 2 o  i , e  i , N e  i i1 i1 i1 of 10× buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.25 mM dNTPs,

0.2 µM of each primer, 1.5 U Taq DNA polymerase mn n mm−1 n 2 22 (TaKaRa, China), and 10 ng of genomic DNA. The PICPIC  12  P i  P ij P PCR conditions were as follows: an initial step at i1 i  11 ji   95°C for 5 min, 35 cycles at 94°C for 35 s, another where: 35 s at a specific annealing temperature for each P and P = frequency of the i and j alleles, respectively primer pair (Supplementary Table S2), and 35 s i j n = number of alleles at 72°C, followed by a final extension for 10 min at 72°C. SNPs were scanned via construction of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) analysis genomic DNA pools and the sequencing method. was also conducted. The linkage disequilibrium The PCR product from the pooled DNA samples (LD) structure and haplotypes were determined was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis and using the SHEsis software ( purified using an Agarose Gel DNA Purification myAnalysis.php) (Shi and He 2005). The corre- kit (Qiagen Science, USA). Both strands were lation coefficient r2 is the most commonly used then sequenced using the ABI PRISM 377 DNA measure of LD. Sequencer (PerkinElmer, USA) (Chen et al. 2015). SPSS software (Version 18.0) was used to analyze The sequences were imported into the BioXM the relationship between the MX1 genotypes and software (Version 2.6) and were analyzed and SCS in the Chinese Holstein group (Chen et al. searched for SNPs. Four SNPs (g.143181370 T>C, 2015). The test day linear model was as follows: g.143181451 A>G, g.143182088 C>T, and g.143189365 T>C) within the MX1 gene identi- fied in Chinese Holstein cows were genotyped by Yijklmno = μ + Ai + Sj + Ek + Cl + Lm + Gn + Po + eijklmno 159 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167

doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS


Yijklmno = test day record of the SCS

: 349 μ = herd overall SCS mean

: 361 A = effect of age : 361, 349 i 224 : 550 : 550 : 186 Del 12 Wt : 196, 31 : 150, 36 Wt S = fixed effect of sire / / : 438, 112 j / TT: TT AA : 348, 170, 67 : 224, 196, 31 : 186, 150, 36 : 550, 438, 112 : 550, 438, 112 CC CC Wt E = fixed effect of season

GG k : 348, 132, 67, 38 Genotype (bp) CT CT TT AG : 348, 170, 132, 67, 38 Del 12 C = calving number CC Del 12 l = mismatch base = mismatch G CT Lm = fixed effect of lactation number

Gn = fixed effect of genotype/combined genotype for each SNP CC RAC Po = random permanent environmental effect   NGG 

YCGRG eijklmno = random residual effect  GG CC C GTY Cleavage sites The Least Squares Means estimates with standard errors for different genotypes and SCS were used. I II I = annealing temperature, = annealing temperature, III Differences between the means of each group were m Ava ScrF

Hinc considered significant at P < 0.05. Hae Enzyme

(°C) RESULTS m 55.2 55.2 59.0 59.9 59.0 T

Polymorphisms and genotypes. The bovine MX1 gene is made up of 13 exons. Comparison 224 550 186 585 361 of the sequences of the MX1 gene with reference Size (bp) sequence (GenBank Acc. No. NC_007299.5) re- vealed 13 SNPs in 13 Chinese breeds (Table 2). In Chinese yellow cattle, 13 SNPs were detected.

TTGA- Comparison of MX1 mRNA and mature protein G sequences with the reference sequences (GenBank Acc. No. NM_173940.2 and NP_776365.1) revealed four SNPs in Chinese Holstein cows (rs209535571: g.143181370 T>C, rs210498846: g.143181451 A>G, rs110669418: g.143182088 C>T, and rs208244814: g.143189365 T>C), all in the coding region (Ta- gene by PCR-RFLP and ACRS-PCR ble 2). In addition, a novel 12-bp indel was found MX1

Primers (5'-3') in intron 3 (Table 2). Among the four SNPs detected within the MX1 gene of Chinese Holstein cows, three SNPs (g.143181451A>G, g.143182088C>T, and g.143189365T>C) could be identified by their natural endonuclease restriction sites, whereas

F: -ATATGAAGAGAAGGTGCGGCCCTGC R: -TCTGAGGTCCTCTGTTTCTG- F: -TCTGGCTGGCATTCTGTC- R: -TCTGAGGTCCTCTGTTTCTG- F: -CTTGGGAATGAAGACGAG- R: -AGTGGGAACAGTGACAGG- F: -CACAGGGAAGTTTGAGACC- R: -CAGCCAACCTTGGACAG- F: -AAGGGTGAGAACAGGGAG- R: -AGTGGGAACAGTGACAGG- g.143181370T>C was genotyped through the in- troduction of artificial restriction sites (Table 1 and Figure 1). For the g.143181451 A>G locus, the 550 bp PCR fragment (digested with AvaI restriction endonuclease) was amplified by the

1 pair of primers MX1-g.143181451 A>G, and this resulted in fragments of different lengths (550 bp for the AA genotype; 550, 430, and 112 bp for the AG genotype; 430 and 112 bp for the TT geno- four SNP were g.143181370 SNP were four T>C (rs209535571), g.143181451A>G (rs210498846), g.143182088 C>T (rs110669418), g.143189365 T>C (rs208244814); Table 1. Primers identifying for in the mutations Table Primer name MX1-g.143181370 T>C MX1-g.143181451 A>G MX1-g.143182088 C>T MX1-g.143189365 T>C MX1-intron3-indel PCR-RFLP = PCR-restricted fragment length polymorphisms, ACRS-PCR = artificially restrictioncreated site-PCR, T 1 type). For the g.143181370 A>G locus, digestion

160 Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167 Original Paper doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

Table 2. SNPs identified in the MX1 gene in Chinese cattle (GenBank Acc. No. NC_007299.5)

Detected No. SNPs and indel Position (cDNA)1 rsID2 Allele Amino acid3 Type of SNP in breeds 1 g.143181370 T>C exon 3 (129) rs209535571 T/C 43 Asn (gaT)/Asn (gaC) synonymous YC, HC 2 g.143181451 A>G exon 3 (210) rs210498846 A/G 70 Ser (taA)/Ser (taG) synonymous YC, HC 3 g.143182013 T>C exon 3 (270) rs470636442 T/C 90 lle ( atT)/lle (atC) synonymous YC 4 g.143182088 C>T exon 4 (345) rs110669418 C/T 115 Phe (ttC)/Phe (ttT) synonymous YC, HC 5 g.143189365 T>C exon 7 (852) rs208244814 T/C 284 Ala (gcT)/Ala (gcC) synonymous YC, HC 6 g.143192302 T>C exon 9 (1074) rs109905056 T/C 358 Ser (agT)/Ser (agC) synonymous YC 7 g.143196228 G>A exon 11 (1256) rs719403072 G/A 419 Arg (cGt)/His (cAt) missense YC 8 g.143200788 T>C exon 13 (1518) rs520852688 T/C 506 Ala (gcT)/Ala (gcC) synonymous YC 9 g.143204549 C>T 3' UTR (2020) rs455195411 C/T YC 10 g.143204625 G>A 3' UTR (2086) rs517650155 G/A YC 11 g.143204631 C>T 3' UTR (2092) rs459729171 C/T YC 12 g.143204831 A>G 3' UTR (2292) rs460590827 A/G YC 13 g.143204845 T>C 3' UTR (2306) rs722367644 T/C YC 12 bp 14 indel intron3 HC deletion SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, YC = Yellow cattle, HC = Holstein cows 1comparison of the sequences of the MX1 mRNA (GenBank Acc. No. NM_173940.2) and four SNPs and the indel detected in Holstein cows written in bold and used for association analysis 2rsID in database of dbSNP in NCBI 3comparison of the sequences of the MX1 mature protein sequence with reference sequence (NP_776365.1) (;g=ENSBTAG00000030913;r=1%3A143176083- 143204865;t1=ENSBTAT00000012035;t2=ENSBTAT00000043742) of the 224 bp PCR fragment with HincII restric- digestion of the 186 bp PCR fragment with ScrFI tion endonuclease resulted in different fragment restriction endonuclease resulted in different frag- lengths (224 bp for the TT genotype; 224, 196, and ment lengths (150 and 36 bp for the CC genotype; 28 bp for the TC genotype; 196 and 28 bp for the 186, 150, and 36 bp for the CT genotype; 186 bp for CC genotype). For the g. 143182088 C>T locus, the TT genotype). Similarly, for the g.143189365

Table 3. Genotypic and allelic frequencies, value of χ2 test, and diversity parameters of the MX1 gene analyzed in Chinese Holstein cows

Genotypes1 HWE SNPs Allele frequencies H N PIC number/frequencies e e P-value2 TT TC CC T C g.143181370 T>C 0.4887 1.9558 0.3693 11.5599 99/0.286 200/0.578 47/0.136 0.575 0.425 AA AG GG A G g.143181451 A>G 0.4860 1.9453 0.3679 12.4242 102/0.295 200/0.578 44/0.127 0.584 0.416 CC CT TT C T g.143182088 C>T 0.4834 1.9358 0.3666 48.7607 105/0.303 199/0.575 42/0.122 0.591 0.409 TT TC CC T C g.143189365 T>C 0.4923 1.9696 0.3711 5.0964 99/0.286 191/0.552 56/0.162 0.562 0.438

SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, HWE = Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, He = heterozygosity, Ne = effective allele numbers, PIC = polymorphism information content 1number of animals investigated n = 346 2values in bold indicate that the genotype distribution was not in agreement with the HWE (P < 0.05) 161 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167

doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

(A) (B) 0.790 0.868 0.356 g.143189365 T>C

g.143181370 T>C g.143181451 A>G (C) (D) 2 – r 0.263 0.337 g.143182088 C>T – –

0.758 g.143182088 C>T g.143189365 T>C (E) g.143181451 A>G 0.929 0.956 0.813 = correlation coefficient = correlation 2 r g.143189365 T>C 12 bp deletion

Figure 1. PCR-RFLP detection results of MX1 gene PCR product Gel = 12% polyacrylamide gel (PAGE) electrophoretic – D' gene SNPs in Holstein cows in Holstein gene SNPs

0.730 0.812 patterns, M = DNA molecular weight marker is Marker I (500, 400, 350, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, and 50 bp), D = MX1

g.143182088 C>T Deletion, W = Wild type (A) g.143181370 T>C genotypes: TT (224 bp), CT (224, 196, 31 bp), CC (196, 31 bp); (B) g.143181451 A>G genotypes: AA (550 bp), AG (550, 438, 112 bp), GG (438, 112 bp); (C) g.143182088 C>T genotypes: CC (150, 36 bp), – – CT (186, 150, 36 bp), TT (186 bp); ( ) g.143189365 T>C

0.886 D genotypes: TT (348, 170, 67 bp), CT (348, 170, 132, 67,

g.143181451 A>G 38 bp), CC (348, 132, 67, 38 bp); (E) 12 bp deletion in intron 3: DW (361, 349 bp), DD (349 bp), WW (361 bp)

T>C locus, digestion of the 585 bp PCR fragment with HaeIII restriction endonuclease resulted in different fragment lengths (348, 170, and 67 bp for the TT genotype; 348, 170, 132, 67, and 38 bp 1 for the CT genotype; 348, 132, 67, and 38 bp for four SNPs were g.143181370 were SNPs four T>C (rs209535571), g.143181451 A>G (rs210498846), g.143182088 C>T (rs110669418), g.143189365 T>C (rs208244814)

Table 4. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis of the Table SNPs g.143181370 T>C g.143181451 A>G g.143182088 C>T SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, D' = linkage disequilibrium coefficient, 1 the TT genotype) (Figure 1).

162 Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167 Original Paper doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

Table 5. Haplotype frequencies of the MX1 gene in Holstein cows

SNPs Haplotypes Frequency1 g.143181370 T>C g.143181451 A>G g.143182088 C>T g.143189365 T>C H1 C A C C 0.028 H2 C A C T 0.008 H3 T A C C 0.008 H4 T A C T 0.176 H5 T A T C 0.002 H6 T A T T 0.362 H7 C G C C 0.354 H8 C G C T 0.003 H9 C G T C 0.032 H10 T G C C 0.014 H11 T G T T 0.013 Total 1.000 SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism 1number of animals investigated n = 346

Genetic characteristics of the four SNPs in Table 6. Associations of polymorphisms of the MX1 gene the bovine MX1 gene of Chinese Holstein cows. with SCS in Holstein cows To evaluate the genetic diversity of the Chinese SNPs Genotypes (n)1 Average of SCS2 Holstein cows under investigation, He, Ne, and PIC, a genotypic frequencies, and allelic frequencies of TT (83) 5.208 ± 0.141 CT (173) 4.851b ± 0.097 the four detected loci were calculated (Table 3). g.143181370 T>C CC (41) 4.966b ± 0.200 The results showed that the frequencies of the al- pooled SE 0.264 leles T, A, C, and T were dominant, and for each P 0.045 of the four loci, the heterozygote was the most AA (86) 5.150 ± 0.138 frequent among the three genotypes. Genetic AG (172) 4.875 ± 0.098 indexes (He, Ne, and PIC) of the Chinese Holstein g.143181451 A>G GG (39) 4.967 ± 0.206 populations are presented in Table 3. These data pooled SE 0.273 demonstrated that the ranges of He, Ne, and PIC of P 0.223 the four SNPs were from 0.483 to 0.492, 1.9358 to CC (95) 5.231aa ± 0.131 1.9696, and 0.3666 to 0.3711, respectively. We also CT (168) 4.795ba ± 0.980 estimated LD among four SNPs in the Holstein g.143182088 C>T TT (34) 5.083ab ± 0.218 group. According to the definition of strong pair- pooled SE 0.275 wise linkage (r2 > 0.33), there was little linkage be- P 0.007 tween the g.143181370 T>C and g.143182088 C>T TT (49) 5.164 ± 0.183 loci, whereas there were strong linkages between CT (164) 4.893 ± 0.100 other loci in the Holstein population (Table 4). g.143189365 T>C CC (84) 4.850 ± 0.140 pooled SE 0.252 Haplotype analysis of the four SNPs identified 11 P 0.162 haplotypes in these animals (Table 5). Haplotype 6 Del 12/Del 12 (83) 5.165 ± 0.141 (H6: -TATT-) had the highest frequency (36.2%), Del 12/Wt (162) 4.917 ± 0.101 followed by Haplotype 7 (H7: -CGCC-) (35.4%). 12 bp Deletion Wt/Wt (52) 4.824 ± 0.178 Relationships between MX1 polymorphisms pooled SE 0.249 and SCS. We analyzed the association between P 0.248 four SNPs, a 12 bp indel, and SCS in 297 Chi- SCS = somatic cells score, SNP = Single Nucleotide Poly- nese Holstein cattle. The results are presented in morphism, pooled SE = pooled standard error Table 6. For g.143181370 T>C, animals with the 1number of animals investigated n = 297 TT genotype had a significantly higher value of 2values with different superscripts within the same column average of SCS compared to those with CT and differ significantly at P < 0.05 (a and b); there is a significant CC genotypes (P < 0.05) (Table 6), suggesting that difference between the mean values without common letters 163 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167

doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

Table 7. Effect of the MX1 combined genotypes on somatic MX1 protein can be used as a specific marker of cell score (SCS) acute viral infections in the health monitoring of dairy cattle, because its expression is increased Combined genotype Number (281) Average of SCS2 of four SNPs1 following RNA viral infection (Muller-Doblies et al. 2004). The MX1 protein is known to confer specific CTAACTCT 6 4.681ab ± 0.534 ab resistance against a panel of single-stranded RNA CTAACTTT 5 5.358 ± 0.585 viruses, raising the possibility that the identifica- a TTAACCTT 7 5.472 ± 0.495 tion of new SNPs of the bovine MX1 gene could TTAACTTT 35 5.208ab ± 0.221 facilitate the implementation of improved genetic TTAATTTT 30 5.044ab ± 0.239 selection programs (Gerardin et al. 2004). We hypothesized that MX1 might also be relevant to CCAGCCCC 10 4.724b ± 0.414 a mastitis resistance in dairy cattle. CTAGCCCT 50 5.436 ± 0.185 Previous studies have suggested that the MX1 b CTAGCTCT 101 4.602 ± 0.130 gene is extremely polymorphic in domestic animals CCGGCCCC 18 5.299ab ± 0.309 (Gordien et al. 2001; Ko et al. 2002; Nakatsu et al. CCGGCTCC 13 4.665b ± 0.363 2004). In the chicken, 25 nucleotide substitutions have been detected, of which 14 were deduced to CTGGCCCC 6 4.473ab ± 0.634 have caused amino acid exchanges. This suggests Pooled SE 1.646 that the chicken MX1 gene is polymorphic (Ko et P-value 0.029 al. 2002). In addition, 10 nucleotide substitutions SNP = Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, pooled SE = pooled that caused four amino acid exchanges were identi- standard error fied in the porcine MX1 gene (Asano et al. 2002). 1four SNP were g.143181370 T>C (rs209535571), g.143181451 In cattle, 23 MX1 gene SNPs have been found in A>G (rs210498846), g.844048 C>T (rs110669418), Holstein, Japanese Black, Hereford, and Brah- g.143189365 T>C (rs208244814) man breeds (Nakatsu et al. 2004). In the present 2values with different superscripts within the same column study, the complete coding region of the bovine differ significantly at P < 0.05 (a and b); there is a significant MX1 gene was examined in 13 Chinese breeds, and difference between the mean values without common letters 13 SNPs were detected. Five SNPs were 3' UTR number of samples < 3 was not included in the significance test variants, and seven were synonymous mutations, among which one was a missense mutation (Ta- ble 2). In addition, a novel 12 bp indel was found the T allele might be associated with SCS. For in intron 3 of Holstein cattle. Our result demon- g.143182088 C>T, individuals with the CC geno- strated that the bovine MX1 gene is highly poly- type had a significantly higher value of average morphic in Chinese cattle. Holstein cows have of SCS compared to those with the TT genotype been intensively selected over the past decades (P < 0.05). for improved milk production. This could be the To verify the effects of single SNPs on mastitis, reason that only four out of 13 SNPs were found we also correlated the combined genotypes of four in Chinese Holstein cows (Table 2). According SNPs with SCS. The combined genotype analysis of to the population genetic indexes and PIC value the four loci (Table 7) showed that animals carry- (0.369, 0.368, 0.367, and 0.371), these four loci ing the TTAACCTT and CTAGCCCT genotypes exhibited abundant polymorphisms. The Holstein had higher value of average of SCS than those with cows were not in HWE at three loci (g.143181370 CCAGCCCC, CTAGCTCT, and CCGGCTCC geno- T>C; g.143181451A>G; and g.143182088C>T) types. This finding is consistent with the higher . This could be attributed to artificial selection, average of SCS observed in the g.143181370 T>C which is consistent with the genetic background TT and g.143182088 C>T CC genotypes (P < 0.05). of Holstein cattle. Furthermore, genetic drift and migration might have also contributed to the dis- DISCUSSION equilibrium observed. It has been well established in laboratory mouse Many viral diseases are known to affect cattle. strains that the MX1 gene exhibits polymorphisms, Previous research has demonstrated that the bovine including indel mutations and nonsense muta-

164 Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167 Original Paper doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS tions (Jin et al. 1998). Results have shown that mice of which could have strong effects on a particular carrying the MX1 gene with a large deletion or a trait. The bovine MX1 has been mapped to the nonsense mutation are influenza virus-susceptible, BTA (Bos taurus autosome) 1 (from approximately have decreased metabolic stability of MX1 mRNA, 143.16 to 143.20 Mb). Alignment of BTA 1 on the and lack the ability to synthesize the MX1 protein radiation hybrid (RH) map of the USDA-MARC (Staeheli et al. 1988). A single amino acid substitu- cattle database indicated within a specific region tion between Asn and Ser at position 631 in the (DIK4116), QTLs associated with mastitis and chicken MX1 protein has been reported to determine production, such as SCS (Rodriguez-Zas et al. resistant and sensitive antiviral activity (Seyama 2002; Rupp and Boichard 2003; Daetwyler et al. et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2012). In our study, the g. 2008), milk profitability index (Chamberlain et al. 143196228 G>A mutation leads to a substitution 2012), and milk protein yield (Heyen et al. 1999). of arginine to histidine at position 419 in predicted Our association analysis showed that g.143181370 N-terminal GTPase domain, which might alter the T>C and g.143182088 C>T were significantly MX1 function and regulate the activity of GTPase. associated with the mean SCS. All the evidence However, further confirmation of this is needed. along with the known biological function and the Bovine mastitis is the most costly and most fact that bovine MX1 maps closely to mastitis and common disease in the dairy industry worldwide production QTLs make MX1 a promising candidate (Nash et al. 2003). Therefore, mastitis resistance gene for mastitis resistance. The SNPs described is an important breeding objective. It is likely that here may be used as genetic markers linking QTLs non-bovine associated viruses, such as Newcastle with effects on these traits. disease virus, can also play an indirect role in the etiology of bovine mastitis. So mastitis resistance is an important breeding objective. However, ge- CONCLUSION netic progress by traditional breeding alone is difficult, because the incidence of mastitis is lowly In conclusion, the results of the association heritable, difficult to record, and antagonistically study suggested that the two SNPs in bovine MX1 correlated with production traits (Carlen et al. could be used as genetic markers of mastitis re- 2004). Breeding schemes often use SCS because it sistance. The identification of these SNPs would shows a moderate to high genetic correlation with likely facilitate the implementation of genetic CM (Lund et al. 2007). Our association analysis selection programs aimed at improving disease of MX1 SNPs and SCS showed that g.143181370 resistance in cattle. The significant effects of MX1 T>C and g.143182088 C>T were significantly as- on mastitis confirmed the potential benefits of sociated with the mean SCS (Table 6). Combined a marker-assisted selection (MAS) program for genotype analysis of the four loci showed that dairy cattle breeding in China. animals carrying TTAACCTT and CTAGCCCT combined genotypes had a higher mean SCS than those carrying CCAGCCCC, CTAGCTCT, and REFERENCES CCGGCTCC genotypes, and this result is con- sistent with the higher mean SCS recorded in the Asano A., Ko J.H., Morozumi T., Hamashima N., Watan- g.143181370 T>C TT and g.143182088 C>T CC abe T. (2002): Polymorphisms and the antiviral property genotypes (P < 0.05) (Table 7). Thus, the identifi- of porcine Mxl protein. Journal of Veterinary Medical cation of these two SNPs (g.143181370 T>C and Science, 64, 1085–1089. g.143182088 C>T) of the bovine MX1 gene might Carlen E., Strandberg E., Roth A. (2004): Genetic param- facilitate the implementation of genetic selection eters for clinical mastitis, somatic cell score, and produc- programs aimed at improving the innate resist- tion in the first three lactations of Swedish Holstein cows. ance of cattle to diseases. But investigation of Journal of Dairy Science, 87, 3062–3070. specific gene functions and their interactions is Chamberlain A., Hayes B., Savin K., Bolormaa S., McPart- very important, because innate resistance is a very lan H., Bowman P., Van Der Jagt C., MacEachern S., complex trait that is controlled by several genes. Goddard M. (2012): Validation of single nucleotide poly- Mastitis is controlled by numerous genes, many of morphisms associated with milk production traits in dairy which have been mapped to QTL regions, and some cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 95, 864–875.

165 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 62, 2017 (4): 157–167

doi: 10.17221/97/2015-CJAS

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Genetic Variations of the Bovine MX1 and Their Association with Mastitis (2024)
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